employee hire
If you look at the Chris Michel’s 2×2 matrix for hiring, you will be faced with the stark reality of how hiring and firing can be summarized in a simple 2×2 matrix.
Each of the quadrants in this 2×2 matrix is a necessary tool for evaluating those you hire(d) in business.
The good news is that, if you are an employee, you can still move to the top right corner having ;
1. The right attitude to work,
2. Wise use of precious time for acquiring the right knowledge for your tasks,
3. Extreme hard work ethic,
4. Self discipline and
5. Going to bed every night with the strongest conviction that you (insert your name) are responsible for delivering concrete successful results for your organization.
 chris matrix - sunkanmi vaughan
If you are an employer, don’t stop until you get the A+ player into your organization.
When they ask you to stop and take a rest when you are yet to reach this goal, look into their eyes confidently, thank them for the advice and tell them boldly that it’s loser talk.
In the pyramid of life, I believe “the top is not crowded”.
Having that conviction and the passion to reach it, as an employer or employee, is ‘The Game Changer’.

Sunkanmi Vaughan is the host of ‘Bizlifelines With Sunkanmi Vaughan’ on radio and author of the most comprehensive business opportunity handbook; ‘1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources’

Before You Hire, Fire Or Get Hired Or Fired!

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