In my last post, I shared my thoughts with you on how you can guide leaders right this year and just few days after my post,I came across something that completely blew my mind!
Sometime around August last year, I wrote an article titled ‘Job Creation Beyond Lip Service‘ and it was published in a few national newspapers including The Nation Newspaper. In this article, I gave practical ways all the major stakeholders in ‘Job creation industry’ can shake off their lethargy and do something with positive impact that will create jobs or advance present creative efforts at employment generation. For example, I specifically made a case for introduction of pocket-friendly ‘economy’ advert/ publicity rates for startups and small businesses to allow them advertise their goods/services and take advantage of the wide reaching platform of premium elite media organizations.
One of the newspapers that I emailed my article to was the Authoritative ‘The Punch Newspaper’. Few days ago,I ran into their advert rate announcement for small businesses pictured above, I was overjoyed!
While I encourage you to take advantage of this offer if you’re in that business category,I urge you to join the advocacy in your State or Country that will see other premium elite media houses in the print and electronic media to join The Punch in creating specially discounted advert rates for small businesses
Finally,the moral of the lesson is that it pays to be persistent in all your creative efforts and endeavors.If I had stopped at just thinking about the problem of unemployment,I wouldn’t have taken the effort to bring my solution idea to the attention of people who can effect the necessary amendments.So,don’t just keep that great idea to yourself. Please share and follow it up for profitable execution and result/profit.
This year 2016 is not for the faint hearted.
Watch how this ‘tiny’ goat defeated a ‘huge’ cow by mere persistence.
Sunkanmi Vaughan is the host of ‘Bizlifelines With Sunkanmi Vaughan’ on radio and author of the most comprehensive business opportunity handbook; ‘1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources’