You have tried looking for jobs but you couldn’t get one due to a lot of reasons or You have a job but your financial security is far from secured, Why not start a business? Here are some benefits of
Business Opportunities Screaming For Discovery

You have tried looking for jobs but you couldn’t get one due to a lot of reasons or You have a job but your financial security is far from secured, Why not start a business? Here are some benefits of
When I receive the usual emails or calls from readers telling me that they have a ‘wow’ business idea, mostimes,I feel that the appropriate response I should give to them is “and so what?” but the infectious joy expressed in
Frankly, the question that forms the title of this write-up is a matter of life and death. Death because,in the event you make a terrible choice on the principal person(s) that executes your vision, your business vision will die ;
Wow! Welcome to a brand new year! 2018 is gone but to many, the memory of its ups and downs lingers. Your finances could’ve been better in 2018 if you knew some of these tips I will share with you
In a week the media treated us to appalling news about the herdsmen in Nigeria and India, Elon Musk sealed his place amongst the all-time greats, sorry beasts. In India, according to Al-Jazeera in its documentary titled ‘Partition
My idea of the use of pepper spray in this write-up is a bit similar to its popular use; legitimate self-defense against physical attack. However, in this case, the attacker is Poverty, specifically poverty of applied wealth-creation knowledge. The best
In a rare feat and cheering news to those championing Nigerian government’s campaign on entrepreneurship,a book ‘1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources‘ authored by Nigeria’s Sunkanmi Vaughan,was for months,atop the global list of top Business books in
If you look at the Chris Michel’s 2×2 matrix for hiring, you will be faced with the stark reality of how hiring and firing can be summarized in a simple 2×2 matrix. Each of the quadrants in this 2×2 matrix
Due to popular demand internationally, we have decided to extend the most sought after and widely read Business Handbook; ‘1000+ Business Ideas & Money Sources’ to the Asian market. After months of proper translation with out Chinese partners, the manual
“MAVRODI MUNDIAL MOVEMENT (MMM) is a community of people providing mutual help to one another meaning you can give financial help when you can and also ask for financial help when you need. No registration fees nor company account to